Friday, August 28, 2009


the last book that i read was Beowulf. No one really knows who wrote this because it was during a time before they published stories like this. it was all passed down by people have been taught it. it was first dated between the 8th and early 11th century. this book is an epic about Beowulf (main character) saving the hall of Heorot, built by king Hrothgar(not actual spelling my keyboard doesn't have the characters for his name), from a monster Grendel. i would recomend this kick face book to anyone who likes adventure, mead (alcholic beverage) and likes to feast (all main topics in this story).

my favorite author would have to be J.R.R. Tolkien. i have read "The Hobbit" on several accounts. i am interested in books on WWII. that seems to be the most appealing war to me which is scaring to me that i find a war can be appealing all the blood and death.

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