Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The last book I read was Don’t Look Behide You. It was written in 1999, by Lois Duncan. I have a few reasons why I read it over the summer. One reason I decide to read it was because in 7th grade it was assigned to me for a reading project, but I never read it. Another reason why I read it was because it interests me because its about murder. Last reason is it’s a short and easy book to read.

The book was mainly this small family has to abandon home, friends, and family to enter to the government witness protection program. April is the main character, which is the daughter of the family, and she has it the hardest for her. The mom can’t do her dream job anymore, which was to become an author. They all had to change the way the looked. The little brother had to get contacts to hide the two different eyes he had.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

lord of the flies

The last book that I read was lord of the flies. The author of the book is William Golding. Lord of the flies was written in the early 1950’s in Salisbury, England. This was a book that we had to read in miss.crofts english class. It was a store of a bunch of kids stranded on an island. there was on adult the was eventually killed. the semi-civilized kids became wilder over the period that they were on the island. i would recommend that anyone that likes action, and drama. i would say that this book was very entertaining to me. Im interested in many kinds of novels like action, advencher, and secretive novels they catch my attencion.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The last book i read was Salem's Lot by Stephen King, the mane character is Ben mears. and was a number one selling book in 1975. it is also deamed a horrer classic and was the second novil by Stephen King. Secondary characters include Susan Norton and Matt Burke . i found this book to be verry introesting and rather haunting but it was an exelent book and i encurage anyone to read it.
The story is about a man named Ben Mears who returns to his home town after the death of his late wife, in hopes to to wright a book about an old house that gave him nightmares after a hauting experiance as a child. after meating an old highschool teacher and sparking a romance with Susan Norton, he finds the tow has dark secrets, many have to do with the house in witch he is writing a book about.

Lord of The Flies

This is the last book i read. It all began when the plane was shot down and crashed on a deserted island during the raging war. The plane was filled with the little English school boys. Ralph and Piggy were on a search of this island and found a shell called a "conch" which would later be used as a horn to civilize the group of boys. Ralph was elected to be the leader but Ralph put Jack in charge of the choir or the hunters to set out and find food on this deserted island. Later on in the story they use their resources like Piggy's glasses to create a fire to signal to the people around them that they are stranded. Later on more into the novel the boys are fighting man to man and killing pigs to get the food and supplies they need. Finally in the last couple of chapters of the book it explains the whole reason of Piggy's and the Twins' deaths.

Some of the themes used in the book are civilization vs. savagery, loss of innocence, and nature of good and evil. This book has a ton of different symbols included in the text of the book. Did You Know... that the Simpon's episode titled "Das Bus" is the parody of lord of the flies?

Lord of the flies

This was the last book that i read. It was written in 1954 by an author named William Golding. Its about a plane filled with school boys who crash on an uncharted island. They all try to get along but soon they split up into two groups and start a bad conflict that leads to madness and death/murder.
The main character Ralph tries to keep everyone together, but his rival Jack seems to think its not such a good idea to work on huts and keep eachother sheltered, he seems to think that killing animals for meat is the best way to go. They all eventually go on Jacks side except Simon and Piggy, and the twins. Simon dies by everyone going after him, and Piggy is murdered by Jack who pushed him over a cliff. I would recommend this book to whoever likes very visual text and filled with adventure. Its one of my favorite books.

Lord of the Flies

The last book that I read was Lord of the Flies. This book is abour how a plan crashed on an island with no one on it. When the people on the plane found one another they had the pilot at first but he would later die leaving the kids there to have to find a way to live. They would also have to learn how to get along with one another.
I would reccomend this book to everyone that is interested on adventure and out in the nature living. It was very interesting and was great. The next novel I would like to read is one that has more adventure and the people are sending this around in forms of letters.